Monday, June 2, 2008

Blog Numero Uno

Only smart people have blogs. People who can string two words together and make them a story. People who have lives that beg those two words to be told. People who, with those two words, can paint a picture and a fantasy that have other people salvating at the next instalment.

That's not me - but she'll be right mate! That overused and often misunderstood Aussie catch phrase that I try to live my life by. Roof collapsing and mortgage payments overdue? She'll be right. Cat needs the vet and there is no bread? She'll be right. Boy child needs medical attention but I have to be at work? Well maybe She bloody well WON'T be right! Ok so I strayed a tad.

It's the new age Aussie "glass half full" motto - along with "no worries". Well I have PLENTY of worries let me tell you - yet the phrases slip magically from my lips - never however really making any impression on the good old brain cells who it appears seem to have control of the whole "happiness/contentment" issue. I'm not sure it was such a good idea to put those little fella's in charge of such an important thing - I would prefer to base my happiness on the state of say um.......... my little toe? I do think the world would be a more serene place.

So in summary my life is as follows: Separated 39 year old (OMG 40 next year) with a 14 year old boy child who could injure himself walking to the bathroom. The fact that he rollerblades and plays football and does stupid boy stuff is enough for him to be xrayed with a horrific regularity. Boy child has endured some serious stuff along with some not so serious stuff - but he is still here and breathing for which I am always eternally grateful - "she'll be right!"

So there is my first blog - I am all blogged out!!



wok said...

YAY!!!!! Kath. You'll do fine with the blog and I am looking forward to reading it.
Drink a little more wine and the words will come!

Take care

Anonymous said...

YAY Kath! Welcome to the blogging world!

** said...

I am SOOOOOOOO 'cited

Beth said...

YAY!! Kath has a blog!!

*jumps up and down*