Saturday, June 21, 2008

The Blog with the Old Photo

I came across a really old photo last night. After shedding copious amounts of tears I decided that I would post it and share the two people who made me who I am today and will continue to influence me for the rest of my days.

This photo is circa 1959 or thereabouts. One year or so before these two people took the plunge and said "I Do" in 1960. They were married for 43 years when in 2003 that handsome fella got sick and within 6 weeks was taken from us. The void he has left in the lives of 3 women cannot be described or put into words - only a wife who had found her soulmate or 2 daughters who thought their Dad was the best man to walk the face of the earth would understand.

The car, I believe to be an FJ Holden, was Dad's pride and joy - as well as the woman who stood beside him for almost 5 decades. I think Mum grabbing his leg (bit bloody forward Mum I mean for God's sakes it was the 50'S and you two were not even married!) says it all really! Mmmmm Mum was always stylin' - wonder if she kept those pants???

This photo reminded me that I had completely forgotten what would have been their 48th wedding anniversay on June 4th. Now I have guilt as well as grief!!

We still miss him daily - hell I talk to him most days - I feel his presence with me. Whether that is just wishful thinking or whether there is something in it I'm still not quite sure.

But as life does - it goes on - and it tends to pull you along with it. This pic was taken Christmas just gone. It was the first Christmas for me at least that didnt feel like there was a huge gaping hole in our lives.

So Dad if you can see us - we doing fine and we are looking out for that special lady of yours. She'll be right mate..............



wok said...

Very well done, Kath. BTW, d'wife likes the room where you, your mum and sister had the picture taken.

It was a pretty touching story, my friend.

Later....need sods?

** said...

Kath, Kath, Kath why must you make me do this to you!!! With me being who "me" is I will address what I must address!!

#1) LOVE the picture.

#2) Guilt, its a useless emotion. I know this because I have it all the time and it does me no good!

#3) Your dad did NOT forget the anniversary and made his rounds. Trust me. I actually feel like he just swept over my head laughing that bugger.

#4) It is not wishful thinking. You know the difference. You know when you feel him and when you don't feel him. When you FEEL him its because you FEEL him. Now, stop questioning it.

#5) Your dad can not only SEE you, he visits all of you. Frequently. I'm not sure but I seem to think he's laughing about your name change. What he's really proud of though is your quest to find yourself, he seems to be saying "it's about bloody time". I could be wrong on the "bloody" part and just want to say that because of where you live but thats what I want to say?

The end. I'm tired. :)

Beth said...

that was lovely, you look like your mum :)