Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The Blog with the TV Dinner

I have been single and in my own home (with boy child of course) for nearly 2 years now. Yet for some reason I still try to keep to family traditions even though it is completely ridiculous when there are only two of us. Boy Child for some reason will not entertain the idea of Ms. Lynxy Mynxy being his sister. Even to humour his empty wombed mother.

So most nights will see boy child and I at the dining room table eating good wholesome food trading "what did you do today" stories like an old married couple. I figure I spent 36 hours spitting this child outta my body - the least he can do is eat at the table like civilised folk.

Tonight however something changed. After having a rough day at work and not feeling the best - when I called him to dinner he moaned "mum can I pleeeeeease eat at my desk I'm right in the middle of something". Its amazing how teenagers are always in the MIDDLE of something - they are never STARTING something - god forbid they should ever FINISH something - no its always in the MIDDLE. Where the hell do they learn this terminology anyway?

Damn cat is miowing at me - she wants food "just a minute Ms Lynxy I'm just in the middle of something"

Right now where was I????

Oh dinner I thought WTF and decided that letting boy child eat dinner at his desk in front of the computer for ONE night would not turn him into an axe wielding homocidal maniac - shouting from the tops of the buildings that it was "mum's fault cos she let me eat in front of the computer". So I plonked his dinner in front of him and left him to his devices.

That left me, with my plate of food, staring at the dining room table yet for some reason being drawn magnetically to the couch and the television. Again I thought WTF and plonked myself down. It was 6pm - time for all normal people to watch the nightly news. I thought WTF I wanna watch that new dvd I got - so I put it on. I picked up my knife and fork and thought WTF and I proceeded to eat dinner with my hands (was chicken drumsticks and fries so is ok - please don't report me to any kind of non-table manners association). I stared for a long time at the vegetables on my plate and thought WTF - and I did not eat them!!! (god sorry mum) I went to get a glass of orange juice and thought WTF - I drank straight from the bottle!!! I proceeded to collect used plates and begin washing up but I thought WTF - and left the dirty dishes in the sink until tomorrow.

By this time boy child was starting to wonder which nation of aliens had abducted his anally retentive neat freak of a mother and was a little bit concerned. To be honest all the WTF'ing had left me a tiny weeny bit tired as well. But I learned a VALUABLE lesson from this episode.

It's bloody TIRING to be lazy and being older than 25 I now have a really bad case of indigestion from eating huddled over on stupid couch watching stupid movie and drinking sour orange juice.

Ok must dash - there is a sink full of dishes with my name on it!!!!



wok said...

And I was seeing such hope in you....and then you go and do the dishes...damn.

** said...

It has taken you 2 years to come this far, good lord Kath! Come back to the states woman! Live a little! Upgrade the orange juice!

We eat together but not every night of the week. The boy child is a teenager and will survive!

Mom needs to take better care of mom I think.