Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The Blog with the Filth

Hello ..... My name is Kath and I am slack. I am a procrastinator. I am lazy.

Now I KNOW these things about myself - highly enlightened kind of person I am - what I do NOT like is when people discover these things for themselves.

Case in question: New Boss. Now OK boss is not exactly NEW new - but 18 months new and that's still new in this case. I have up until this point managed to baffle him with bullshit for 18 months about what I actually DO during the day, and lets face it - I could score awards for my paper piles and loud "sighs" of being completely overwhelmed by work.

Today however I sorta got busted for not having done some things that I should have been doing. Now it was not through ignorance that I did not do them - I KNOW they needed doing - it's just that I hadn't got AROUND to it yet. Which started me thinking about genetics. Trust me - it's not that big a leap. Lets look at an example shall we????

Moi: Mmmmmm I have SO many things to do before I go home.....damn how am I going to manage?
Boss: Kath I have to go to a meeting - you will probably be gone by the time I get back - see you in the morning.
Moi: Mmmmm OK bye then. (YAY can now chat and blog and google funny cat pictures which make me laugh)

Me: Boy child can you PLEASE clean your room and take the garbage out.
Boy Child: "grunt" (or some similar gutteral sound)
Me: Ok going to work now remember to do chores I asked you.
Boy Child: "grunt" (YAY can chat and blog and google boobs and things that make me.............(you get idea)

Boss: Kath can I see depreciation schedules and balance sheet will all adjustments for end of year?
Me: Here they are (weight on one leg - hands on hips - hair over shoulder) I havent actually done those last adjustments as yet - its just been so hellishly busy lately.

Me: BOY CHILD!!!!! This room is a F#(@ing DISGRACE - WHY have you not done what you were asked?
Boy Child: Mum (shoulders down - head on angle - eyes wide open - small smile on lips) I have had SO much homework to do and I just haven't had a chance as yet.
Me: Ok darling, just make sure you get to it when you have finished homework.
Boy Child: "grunt" (is now googling boobs)

Is it just me or does anybody else see some kind of pattern emerging?

Surely I have more to pass onto boy child than how to effectively get away without doing stuff? Or is he purely and simply his mother's son???????????????

In meantime I shall be lucky to have job whilst being surrounded by filth at home (actual filth and cyber boob filth).



** said...

I have recently come to the same embarrassing conclusion. Looking at my 80's boob/leg pictures and watching how my daughter wants to dress.

Seems as if apples don't fall that far from the trees after all.


wok said...

I'm not even going there....genetics and my sons. I sure as hell am not taking all the blame!!