Thursday, June 26, 2008

The Blog with the Radioactive Feline

Why are animals stupid? Why do they leave themselves wide open for hurt and humiliation?

Ms. Lynxy Mynxy came into our lives approximately 18 months ago - a cheeky little black and white streamlined kitten that pounced on Boy Child's leg in the animal shelter soon grew up to be big ball of long haired feminine fluff - nose in the air - only talk to you when she wanted something - avoided Boy Child at all costs - Feline. She was my baby pure and simple.

Yet lately something very very strange has been happening. She is apparently transferring her allegiance from her "try much too hard" owner to the "I dont give a f#*k about you" house mate.

A snap of us in happier times:-

Ms. Lynxy has some "ragdoll" species in her which causes her to "flop" like a ragdoll when picked up - this was how I carried her around the house with her purring like a steam roller.

Since Boy Child has come into the possession of a tiny little laser light - which omitts a red "dot" on the ground, and since he has taken to making her chase said red dot around the whole house - she now thinks the sun shines out of a certain orifice of his.

Now when I need to check where said feline is - this is where I will normally find her:-

Yes, that's right, in the stinking pit that is boy child's bedroom. Laying on his bed - admiring him. Flashing her radioactive eyes at him.

I am CRUSHED. The one who was to love me unconditionally has switched her affections to the controller of a red dot on the ground. Do I try too hard????? This is the question.............


PS. I have since discovered cause of her affections to Boy Child - namely one electric blanket left to swelter for 6 days straight - making laying on bed akin to sunbaking in Bahamas. I have since fixed said problem and she is now freezing her butt off like the rest of us. Mmmmmm revenge is SWEET!


wok said...

LMAO....that's mean....I like it!

You rock Kath!!!

** said...

Revenge is sweet, so sweet!