Monday, June 9, 2008

The Blog with the Meme

Ok so apparently I was "tagged". Funnily enough I felt no pain, no sensation whatsoever really. Rather quite bloody disappointing I have to say.

So here it is people without further ado:-

1. Favorite Person Mmmmm toss up between Boy Child and Ms Lynxy Mynxy (please let us not get into the "a feline is not a person" argument - this is MY meme so shut up) depending on who has caused me the least amount of grief at any time.

2. Favorite Food - Italian Food without one moments hesitation. I believe I was an Italian in a past life. In fact looking at my baby pictures I possibly could have been an Italian in this life but picked up by the wrong set of parents.

3. Quirks about you - My list making I guess. I cannot do anything without some kind of list.

4. How would the person who loves you most describe you in ten words or less? -Ok I'm not exactly sure who does love me the most - one person once said that I am the reason he gets up in the morning. Oh and Ms Lynxy just said "miow".

5. Any regrets in life? - Of course who doesn't? But the trick is to not dwell on them - learn from them and move on. We make the best decisions we can at the time.

6. Favorite charity/cause - I am ashamed to say I dont really have a favorite. I am a bad person. But if I had to chose one it would be cancer research. Lets find a cure for that sucker right NOW!

7. Favorite Blog - Um I have only been on this site for about a week. Bill's is great - he posts so much. But I love reading the escapades and shennanigans of Becky.

8. Something you can't get enough of - Lately it seems to be sleep.

9. Worst job you ever had - Check out chick at a supermarket.

10. What job would you pay NOT to have - Anything that involves dealing with an irate public. I cry if I get yelled at.

11. If you could be a fly on the wall anywhere, where would it be - Oh god just ONE place???? At this moment my boss's office when he talks to our exec committee - I'm up for a salary review and the petrol prices are KILLING me.

12. ***Breaking News: ***** I have none - I am boring.

I seem to have lost 13???? Sorry bout that.

14. Got any confessions?
- I still cannot give up these rotten stinking fucking cigarettes.

15. If you had $1000 to spend on YOURSELF, what would you spend it on - Clothes, clothes, shoes, clothes, clothes, a facial and a massage, some new clothes, um some shoes, frilly frivolous underwear and um some clothes probably.

16. Favorite thing about your house - The open fire place.

17. Least favorite thing - The unfinished kitchen floor. Actually the unfinished EVERYTHING. I keep being TOLD that somebody is going to come and help me with it but it never seems to HAPPEN.

18. One thing you are bad at - you want only one thing? Ok um probably following through and finishing anything I start. Oh just like the kitchen floor above.

19. If you could change one thing about your current circumstances what would it be - I could not choose just one - my life at the moment is such a fucking mess I would need 20 things to change.

20. Who would you like to meet someday - The holder of the answer to the meaning of life.

21. What makes you feel sexy - When somebody cooks for me and pampers me.

22. Who is your real life hero - My Dad.

23. What is the hardest part of your job - Staying awake mostly.

24. When are you most relaxed - After wine consumption.

25. What stresses you out - EVERYTHING! But I am working on changing that.

26. What can you NOT live without - Boy Child.

27. Do you agree or disagree with the recent article that reported that blogs are authored by narcissists - Huh?

28. Why do you blog - Because like a million other people I believe I have a novel in my head bursting to get out?? Because everybody's thoughts and words deserve to be put on paper (or a computer screen as the case may be). Because I was told I should.

29. Who are you tagging - OK see being a blog virgin I dont actually have anybody to "tag" - I will work on that for next time.

30. What were you doing 10 years ago Killing time.

Ok so that took up 30 minutes of my life I will never get back. Now if you will excuse me I have to go write nasty scathing email to Becky for tagging me in the first place.

OK for some fucking reason number 3 is in black text. I have spent 20 minutes trying to find out why and fix it but I can't so i humbly apologise if it causes any kind of seizure and or reading disorder.



wok said...

I told Becky you were going to get her for tagging you. Nice to read more about you.

Nauntie Lush said...

you are not a stranger! you are a friend of Becky's so you are a friend of mine! (also I have many an Aussie follower so you are at home at my place, welcome to the gang and g'day!)

** said...

My world is complete! HIP HIP HOORAY

You did swimmingly, even if it getting to winter in your parts. WTF is that all about. Winter during our summer?