Tuesday, July 1, 2008

The Blog with the Dead Mouse

Now generally speaking - a good mouse is a dead mouse. They smell and they have beady eyes. And when you put them with another mouse of the opposite sex they produce what looks like thousands of baked beans with legs.

But when we are talking about computer components - a dead mouse is definitely not good.

With the advent of cordless mice that require batteries, many a time I have been caught at work by a dead mouse. The problem is not the dead mouse - but rather the windows of chat and blogs and google that I have to leave open to dash to battery cupboard which is all of 30 seconds away. 30 seconds of time that a co-worker could wander into my office and find all my hard work for the day - laid bare for the world to see.

The dead mouse in question though does not reside at my work. No - it resides at my home. On the computer of boy child. ON SCHOOL HOLIDAYS!!!!!!!! For every mother reading this I need not go further - but for everybody else - this is a MAJOR CATASTROPHE.

However it seems boy child has averted putting household on DEFCON 1- thanks to his heroic measures this potential fiasco has been avoided. He took MY mouse.

Thats right people - I was MOUSELESS! He carelessly uprooted my beloved mouse from its little nest and exposed it to a world of google boobs and violent games.

I am left with an old mouse I found discarded on a shelf. It has a cord and a ball. WTF do I know what to do with a cord and a ball? So here I blog - with my hand-me-down computer and my hand-me-down mouse and I can't help but feel a little sorry for myself . Maybe I should google boobs and play violent computer games??????????



** said...

So.. did you? Did you google boobs?

I've been comment shy lately... but I stalk you AT least 3 times a day.


wok said...

OOH OOH pick me...I'll google boobs ( and other anatomical wonders)!

Watch out for the stalker that precedes me.


LiteralDan said...

Here's a tip for next time this happens at work-- press and hold the "Windows" key (assuming you're using Windows), and then press D.

This at least minimizes all your windows so no one can see what you're chatting about and such.