Sunday, July 6, 2008

The Blog with the Tax Department

It's tax time here. That wonderful time of year you get to declare to the Tax Department everything about yourself. What salary you earned during the year, the tax that was deducted, what colour underwear you wore on the close of the tax year, how many times a week you have sex.

The last two most likely don't fall under the Tax Act but you get the idea.

Now recently the Tax Department and I have had our issues. I just don't feel that the relationship is working for me. It's not a lack of commitment on behalf of either party. In fact I would go so far as to say TD is a tad OVER committed to me and my goings on. Does TD not realise that a girl needs her space???? Unfortunately if I were to break it off with TD my only other prospect for a relationship could be the Tax Evasion Police and a shared cell with a butch lesbian called Bertha.

So having no choice in the matter (no offence of course to butch lesbians named Bertha - just not my kind of thing) I sit and ponder this year's tax return. Namely Question 10 Label L - Did you receive any interest income during the financial year? Now its a fairly straight forward question - yet it's the question that has caused me untold grief and sleepless nights.

In the past the tiny little bit of interest that I earn on my tiny little bit of savings I have in the bank has seemed so pitiful that no-body - least of all TD - would be the slightest bit interested. Apparently I was wrong. TD is VERY interested in the tiny little bit of interest I earned. And what REALLY annoys me is that someone who I considered a good FRIEND - my bank ("B") - has been telling TD little tales (in the form of a data matching system - fucking computers). My issue is that apparently this is a very one sided relationship. TD could listen to me for hours waffle on about the tiny bit of interest that B gives me - yet does not give a fat rat's arse about the thousands of dollars of interest I PAY to B for the privilege of B owning most, if not all, of my house. That my friends - is my quibble.

So having made amends to TD for the past two years of me answering NO to Question 10 Label L (and yes I KNOW it was lying and I KNOW I deserve what I get but it still pisses me off) my mouse now hovers over the question. I know what I must do and I know I will do it.




1 comment:

LiteralDan said...

Clearly life is the same all over, though here in the U.S., I believe mortgage interest is deductible in some way, and you only have to count your interest income over $10. You may have more than that as it is, but in case you don't, you know you can move here to escape these two annoyances and gain 200 different ones!