Friday, July 11, 2008

The Blog with Random Thoughts

Random thoughts from the random recesses of my mind.

I have at least once in my life:-

Pulled in behind a car in the far lane at a set of traffic lights. Violently applied pressure to horn and let fly choice swear words when car did not move when light turned green. Realised that car was in fact parked and empty. Exited car expressing to anybody in immediate vicinity that I should really have that defective horn looked at. Had to walk up and down street to prove that I had deliberately parked my car too. Was late for work.

Given birth to a child.

Spent a delightful 30 minutes on the telephone with my oldest and bestest friend in the world. At the 31 minute mark realised that this person was a complete stranger and had dialled the wrong number. Apparently we both shared voices like our respective best friends. I learned from that moment never ever to say "Hi it's me" when you call somebody.

Stopped on the way home from the gym via the pub - ate crap food drank wine and smoked cigarettes.

Spent 3 hours taking apart a small non working kitchen appliance to discover it was not plugged in.

Changed my name.

Had deep and meaningful conversations with myself - only to find out I'm a pretty crap listener and not good at advice.

Entertained thoughts that possibly I AM the worst mother in the world.

Vomited in somebody's letterbox the first ever time I experienced alcohol.

Realised my unconditional love for boy child makes up for being the worst mother in the world but not necessarily for vomiting in a strangers letterbox.

I am sure you all needed to know these things.

Be happy and well cos inevitably - "she'll be right"!

1 comment:

wok said...

YAY!!!! Kath!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry, tired and that's all I could come up with.