Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The Blog with the illness.........

I, like many thousands of people across the globe, suffer from NYRAS. This debilitating condition, when it strikes, manages to render you guilt laden and aims at the very core of your self esteem. It is a condition that can be avoided yet like most sufferers, I have been thus far unable to take the necessary actions to side step a recurrence.

Even now, feeling that a relapse is fast approaching I am failing into the same traps as always and feel completely helpless to avoid it.

New Years Resolution Amnesia Syndrome is a medically untreatable condition and as such it is left solely up to the sufferer to manage the symptoms. The symptoms start to appear around the 27th day of the last month of the earth's rotation around the sun. These symptoms can vary from taking a quick glance over your life and the proceeding 12 months or to the very extreme heart wrenching "oh my God I just wasted another year of my life what I am doing where am I going...." thought processes.

These initial symptoms are then replaced with the actual making of the resolutions. These can be superficial in variety ie: I SHALL get my legs waxed every six weeks or I SHALL remove my mascara EVERY night before I go to sleep.

Then you have the usually unattainable resolutions ie I WILL exercise every day and I SHALL lose half my body weight to the generally ridiculous I WILL give up drinking/smoking/crack cocaine for EVER.

Sufferers with the more serious form of the condition will generally make major life changing resolutions ie: I WILL get myself out of debt or I WILL get married/divorced/turn gay/have a baby/buy a new house.

Now please do not misunderstand me - the making of the resolutions is not what this condition is all about. It is what happens on the 31st day of the last month of the earth's rotation around the sun.

There is generally a party involved, more than likely alcohol is added to the mix. Resolutions are discussed with acquaintances, shouted proudly from the rooftops, feeling superior to the people who choose not to make resolutions. We are excited and expectant and confident that our resolutions will mean that the year to come will be simply the best one of our lives.

Then the clock strikes midnight and there is kissing and hugging and toasting and cheering. The people who have resolved to give up drinking and smoking generally last about 15 minutes before the amnesia kicks in. The leg waxing resolution is generally out the window after the first wax of the new year. The diet and exercise resolutions generally have a life span of between 1 hour and 1 month. The life changing resolutions are just too bloody hard to even think about past 12.04 on the 1st day of the first month of the earth's rotation around the sun.

So this leaves me where? I cannot NOT make a resolution such is the condition I suffer but this year it will not be a specific ACT or a specific EVENT.

My resolution for the year of 2010 is to be the BEST I can be, in everything I do and every aspect of my life - I will do the BEST that I can do.

Must dash - have New Years Eve plans to make - after all - I need to be the BEST party girl I can be...............

2010? BRING IT I'M READY!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

** said...

No resolutions for '10. I try my hardest to be the best I can be but some days I fall short and I'm okay with that. I guess I do have a resolution, to just love myself. Love myself when I'm being the best I can be and love myself for when I'm falling short and making eff'ed up decisions for all of those things make me... ME.

Like when I announced myself to you as "Bec" and at the top of the comment it says "Becky". BRILLIANT