Saturday, December 26, 2009

The Blog with the catch up......

I start things and I don't finish them. I procrastinate. I have the attention span of a gnat. I get bored with things very easily.

I could use those reasons as to why I have not written for nearly 10 months or I could just admit to the fact that there have been many changes in my life I just could not find the words to express them or indeed even wanted to share them and see them on paper(screen). I think I will go with the former.

I am thinking now though that this may be therapeutic on some level to write about a possible adventure that could span a few years, lots of tears, decisions, choices, hurdles, to bring me to a point in my life that I have been searching for blindly.

2009 has been, without a doubt, the most joyous, sad, frightening, wonderful year of my life to date. I do not say that lightly. The events that transpired have the ability to fulfil my life to an extent I never dreamed possible or indeed on the other side of the coin (there is ALWAYS two damn sides to that stupid bloody coin) bring me to my knees and shatter me.

I have written about crossroads before - I now stand at the biggest one I have ever faced - waiting for a sign to proceed left or right. The direction I take could very well change my life forever and in the most humongous way possible. Yet the decision does not rest solely with me.

So I wait........

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