Sunday, December 27, 2009

The Blog with the baby bird....

I am deathly afraid of spiders, I don't really like snakes, and thanks to Alfred Hitchcock I have a phobia about birds.

Provided they stay in their own personal space and leave my personal space alone, the bird species and I can co-exist peacefully.

My personal space has been invaded.

On Christmas morning I opened the blinds to see a cute little fluffy baby magpie wandering around the lawn. I oohed and ahhhed and then promptly dismissed it from my mind. Upon returning home from various Christmas celebrations I noticed the same cute fluffy baby magpie STILL walking around the garden. Even with my limited amount of knowledge of the bird world - I thought this a tad strange. I ventured outside to inspect.

I had got no closer than three feet away from baby before Mum & Dad magpie (who unbeknown to me were loitering close by) decided I was a threat to their baby and attacked me. ATTACKED ME!!!!! In my OWN home!! I ran for my life (this is my recollection therefore it WAS for my life) and slammed the door. Looking out the window I determined that baby had a broken wing and obviously could not get back to the nest.

Boy child offered to help and after donning a bike helmet and sunglasses tried valiantly to capture baby so we could offer assistance. He was swooped on repeatedly. We gave up.

Two days later and cute fluffy baby magpie wakes me up at around 5amish each morning with a screeching that can only be described as fingernails down a blackboard, before Mum & Dad can provide him with the necessary sustenance he needs. We cannot go out in the yard without risk of needing stitches or having our eyes pecked out.

The girls are coming tonight for dinner - Girls if you want alfresco dining please bring your own helmet and eye protection!


** said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
** said...

That was me who deleted my comment, it had that dumb profile picture which I don't like so I had to get rid of it. uhhh HA. So here is the comment AGAIN!

Don't do this to me, it's like giving a crackhead a hit and then saying NEVERMIND. Write something else woman! Oh, its Bec

Anonymous said...

I agree with've left me hangin'!