Monday, December 8, 2008

The Blog with the Crying

I cried. A lot. It was so sad, yet uplifting at the same time. I cried at Carson Kressley and his "How to Look Good Naked". I cried for the woman who discovered her inner sexiness. I cried cos Carson makes me laugh and was not with me making ME feel good naked. I cried cos she got lots of money to buy new clothes. I cried cos she got her hair and makeup done professionally.

Then I heard a Christmas carol and that made me cry some more. Peace on earth and Goodwill towards man has never seemed so far out of grasp. Then I cried a little bit more cos for the third year in a row boy child will not have complete family together at Christmas time. I cried cos that's probably my fault. Then I cried cos I couldn't find my non rotating non musical playing fibre-optic Christmas tree. I remembered I stored it at my mum's house and that made me cry some more. For the fifth year in a row Christmas will be without my Dad. And I cried a lot more.

Then I remembered the thousands of people who are worse off than me. The ones who don't have a christmas tree to put up, those that cannot afford to put the presents underneath. Those who have terminally ill children who will spend this holiday at various hospitals around the world praying that their child will survive. I then spared a thought for the hundreds of people gathering at hospices watching their loved ones slowly drift away. Illness does not take a holiday. For the thousands of people who will spend this holiday alone and lonely. And I thanked my God for the gift of my family and my wonderful friends here and in far flung corners of the world who love me. And I stopped crying for myself and the tears were for others......


1 comment:

Nauntie Lush said...

I'm with you. Lots of crying for all those who don't have enough, who are in the midst of losing family/childern...I really am a spoiled brat...and I am crying because of that too.

Merry Christmas!