Monday, November 24, 2008

The Blog with Christmas

Christmas is coming.

I just realised. I have managed so far to avoid the reminders on television, in store, in junk mail, even the wailings of boy child in the form of "mum for christmas can I............." did not penetrate the recesses of mind.

It was a rude SHOCK then to hear mutterings of "yes I have my tree up" "yes I'm nearly finished all my shopping"


Frantic phone calls to family and I have managed to whittle the gift list down to children only. A few more phone calls and some follow up emails and I have narrowed it further to children of immediate family only. Given that I only have boy child and one niece I am moderately happy with this. One more phone call to my sister though and I think I can break her. At the very least I will do the "I don't know what to get her - YOU buy it and I will give you the money".

The two gifts I have purchased so far I have bought online and had them delivered to my door. I have located fibreoptic christmas tree (that only requires a couple of gold balls, a gold star and an artistically chucked string of gold beads to look like it belongs in a fucking gallery) and have her ready to go.

I have opted for Christmas Emails rather than cards this year. Pity I only have 8 email addresses - ho hum - it's the thought that counts!

The next task on my list is to offer to have Christmas lunch at my house. SHOCK HORROR you say? No there is a definate method to my madness. Given my immediate family is very small (6 in all including boy child and niece) its not THAT huge a deal. Plus because I am so busy working full time, raising a family (*cough*), blogging etc etc - I am confident my Mum will be at the ready to lend a hand and help her daughter out ie doing things like buying the food - cooking most of the food at her house the day before - bringing the food over Christmas morning - you know that type of "mum" help.

So as I was saying - I'm all ready for Christmas this year - yep all organised. BRING IT!

Faaaa la la la la la la la laaaaaaaaaaaa.

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