Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The Blog with the Bragging

I don't often extol the virtues of Boy Child publicly. Quite often that is due to the fact that at 15 he often displays a distinct lack of virtuous qualities. However he is my Boy Child and of course I love him to bits.

Every now and then though I have a complete "mummy meltdown". My mummy meltdowns can be caused by anything from:- remembering when I yelled at him when he was 4 for something he didnt do; remembering times when his podgy dirty little toddler hands would seek mine out because he liked nothing better than holding hands with his mum; his first christmas; first tooth; first EVERYTHING.

I have been in the throws of a mummy meltdown that has lasted about a week now. Dropping him off at the station for school recently I secretly watched him with his friends. I like his friends. For the most part they are good decent kids. They have made many many errors in judgement. Buying condoms in year 7 and blowing them up on their heads at school was not a good choice. Neither was the chili eating competition they partook in. But always - teachers pointing out to me that they are not BAD kids - but just KIDS.

Watching these 15 year olds was like glimpsing into the future at what he will become. The backslapping that men do effortlessly has started already. The casual laughing and joking and confidence they oozed is a sign of things to come and then I realised something. While my parenting days are far from over - in fact are they ever over? - I realise that what I am looking at now is the result of the last 15 years. 15 years of my constantly thinking I am the Worlds Worst Mother. But you know something? I have done a DAMN GOOD JOB!! I am reaping what I sowed and I am loving the result.

So this post is a dedication to my lovely Boy Child. Last week he played in his first ever Football Grandfinal. Unfortunately they lost but its the spirit in which the game was played that's the important thing.

Here is boy child (red hair) being attended to by a trainer for yet another injury!!! Isn't he a handsome thing?

Now if only my damn hormones would level out again I can get back to normal!!!!
