Monday, December 20, 2010

The Blog with....a really urgent question....

I had a blog entry in my head. It was some twaddle about the little things in life which will ultimately get you. I should stop there. Today's trash blog is tomorrow's Blog treasure. However a question came to me. A question that probably I should have asked 10 years ago, 15 years ago, certainly 5 years ago when my marriage crashed and burned.

Can strong women make men less....manly????

Can strong women make men less....capable???

Ok that's two questions I know however both are within the same realm so tough.

Did I emasculate him so much that he was incapable of any adult, strong, manly action? Did I do that unconsciously therefore consciously having to step up and be the adult, capable person in the relationship???? Do strong women have to SCREAM that we TOO need support and help and loving in our relationships? Or do we have to totter around in 6 inch heels (OK I do this too - please I am after the sterotype) mubling incoherently about some mechanical contraption that failed us (the dishwasher) whilst pouting our.....lips (ok boobs can help here) and wait for some knight in shining armour???

I have NO clue whether this makes ANY sense or not - this is the first time that writing a blog my fingers have worked faster that my brain. This is not a well thought out, well paraphased piece of writing. This is really from the heart.

Was it my fault??

1 comment:

Terri G said...

I tried to comment a few days computer was mad at me and refused to let it post.

Stoooopid computer. :)

But what I remember trying to say was that yes, I do believe that really strong women can emasculate a man. But he has to be weak enough to let her.

It takes two, as you well know. We are all responsible for our own actions only - our inactions, too.

Hug yourself tight - Merry Christmas!