Sunday, March 20, 2011

The Blog with the hot flush.....

Although it may just have been because it was warmish outside and I was cooking in the kitchen.

Although everybody else in the house was coolish or "comfortable".

Although at 42 I have been told that at any MOMENT crap like this could start.

A hot feeling invading your body bringing with it sweat from various pores on your body (I don't think I can actually use the term "hot flush") when combined with Mr. I'mNotReallyHardofHearingIActuallyLiketoHavetheTelevisionVolumeUpThisLoudJustCos channel surfing in the next room, actually pushes one over the edge of sanity. At the very least it pushed me to take sanctuary in the cool, dark, quiet space of my bedroom.

In my sanctuary I called upon all the feminine presences to sooth me and walk me through this next phase in my life. What no doubt will be another spiritual and mind enhancing experience, kinda like um I dunno say .... CHILDBIRTH.

Not on your farking life.

First thing Monday my doc gonna give me every available hormone known to man.

Menopause you can kiss my slightly overweight, cellulited, closer to the ground than ever before, arse.

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