Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Blog with the new age self help crap......

Changes, changes, changes.

For good or bad, changes have been the continual constant in 2010. Some have been wonderful, some not so great, but the evolution of my life seems to continue with or without my consent.

I have yearned to put down in words some of the wonderful, but knew to stay true to my heart I would have to share the not so great. I realised of course that without the not so great (I refuse to label things "bad") the wonderful is not nearly as wonderful.

I have used 2010 to look inwards at the person I am. The traits that have brought me to this place in my life. It's been tough to admit things. It's been frightening to accept things. But I'm learning for the first time about ME and the rewards that has bought to my life so far has been overwhelming.

Never having been one for "new age self help" enlightenment I have gone about this thing called life like a bull in a china shop. Not really stopping to understand why or how or WHY. Asking myself a trillion times this year WHY I had that reaction to something, WHY I said the things I said, WHY I felt the way I did to occurrences, has helped me understand the type of person I am. It has also helped me to change the actions and reactions that I never much liked.

A work in progress...stay tuned.

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