Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Blog with the broken nose......

I am an adult.

A grown up.

I have a mortgage, bills to pay, a steady job, a cat and one 17 year old Boy Child. Dammit those things are signs of a grown up.

Recently however I was shockingly forced to realise that I didn't really FEEL like a grown up.

My mother had a fall. Now I understand the visions that come to mind when you put "76 year old woman" + "fall" into a sentence. Did she slip in the kitchen? Did she trip over the front step? Of course those would be NORMAL questions to ask. To which I would have to reply "no".

My Mum fell and slipped while running for a bus. Running.For.A.Bus.

Now I do admit to some jealousy here. I cannot run. I have not run for years. I am not sure my body remembers how to run. In any event she did actually get ON the damn bus AFTER she slipped, fell and started bleeding profusely.

My sister called me at work and given that we are both so very calm and controlled in a crisis - she called an ambulance in a panic and I broke land speed records driving to meet them. Mum had many tests over the next 24 hours with the prognosis of severe bruising and swelling and a broken nose in two places. We took her home.

Over the next week or so there were follow up doctors visits and finally surgery yesterday to repair and hopefully put her nose back where it was.

I became an adult. After 42 years of being looked after, and out for, by my Mum, it was my turn.

It's scary and it's confronting but it's time to step up.

1 comment:

Fickle Cattle said...

I'm sure you would have done great. I've always felt like a non-adult myself. I need to step up soon.

I am Fickle Cattle.