Saturday, January 2, 2010

The Blog with the bad start........

Ok so despite all my efforts to the contrary, 2010 and I did not get off to a great start.

After sweltering through a New Years Eve day, a storm decided to roll into town around 10pm. Mother Nature had not finished with 2009 and made her presence felt for around an hour. Just before midnight a gust of wind with my name of it came powering through and took with it a post supporting my carport. Running outside to find Hermoine Hyundai buried underneath wood and rubble and debris (slight over-exaggeration but whatever) I leaped into action as only a person can who had been sipping fruit o'the vine for the past 6 hours. I called the local emergency services team.

Within half an hour my house was swarming with men in glowing orange overalls who rescued Hermoine and did something or other with something or other to stabilise the carport.

Waking full of hope and optimism for the new year, it did not take long for the reality of the situation to sink in. The carport is hanging by a thread, which means I will need to deal with some kind of tradesman to fix the problem. This ranks up there for me with dealing with car salesmen and mechanics. I am rendered a complete moronic shell of a woman - generally handing over everything I own because they tell me I need to. Throw into the mix dealing with an insurance company to try and persuade them that in fact this SHOULD be covered by insurance. Hermoine had been left outside over night as it is not safe to leave her under there anymore. Checking her in daylight to see if any damage had been done and I am greeted with the fact that during the night she had been "egged". It was a mess.

After lovingly cleaning her and muttering a few choice words I returned inside to be greeted by the next adventure of my morning. A pipe in the bathroom had sprung a leak and water was everywhere. Trying to find a plumber on New Years Day is no mean feat. Actually it's just not possible. Towels have been wrapped around pipes with threats to Boy Child that we must go shower somewhere else. Hawaii is looking really good at the moment.

Sitting down for the first time in about 3 or 4 hours I was overwhelmed. The tears sprung forth and I just cried. In the almost 4 years that I have been doing this on my own this is the first time it had got to me. I realised there IS nobody else to help out, nobody else to lend a hand. I felt so very much alone.

Then I remembered my resolution - to be the BEST that I can be. The BEST that I can do. So in the coming days I will deal with plumbers and builders and insurance companies and I will do the BEST that I can do. Because.....

She'll be right mate...........